When your parent becomes your child
Article written by Emma Radmore when caring for her mother with dementia. Click the image for the full article.

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Halloween doesn’t just signal the start of ghoulish costumes on our streets, it also sees the clocks going back an hour. For people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) though, this can cause a feeling of trepidation and angst that is very real and can lead to the sufferer struggling to do the everyday activities that they may have done during other seasons. This article has been written by website volunteer David James – to read the full article please click here.

Shadows and Angels
Shadows in the darkness lights flicker. The world sleeps and sounds are loud to the voices of angels awakening.
A beautiful and hearfelt poem written by Bethan Thompson read full the poem please click here.

Self portrait of a past self without a future written after the future unexpectedly arrived
A wonderful and moving poem written by Will Ford click here to read it in full.

Ode to a Tortoise
Beautiful ancient creature
Lumbering your way through life
A delightful poem by our very own Carol Cooke click here for the full poem.

You Let The Night In Again
A change in the air
gives it away,
A delightful poem by our very own Caroline Fellows click here for the full poem.

Confusion to clarity
Busy busy world
Busy busy mind
Busy busy routine
Always feeling behind
Another thought provoking poem by Will Ford click here for the full poem.