
There is widespread recognition that service users and carers are experts, with an in-depth knowledge of mental health services and of living with mental ill-health. No one else, no matter how well trained or qualified, can possibly have had the same experience of the onset of mental ill health, the same initial contact with local services or the same journey as you.

Your voice is an important resource that can help to improve individual packages of care as well as mental health services generally. In addition sharing your expertise and experiences can help with your own recovery, lead to new ideas, improved ways of working, and services to become more relevant to local needs.

Not everyone is able to attend meetings, or has the capacity to join in during standard working hours, however YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Here we will share requests for your feedback, surveys and consultations from organisations and services which are seeking your expert knowledge that you can complete in your own time. Check back regularily for more opportunities as they arise.

Getting care and treatment quickly when you need it

Getting care and treatment quickly when you need it

Llais Cardiff & Vale

Llais Cardiff & Vale have just launched their ‘Getting care and treatment quickly when you need it’ project, and are keen to hear from individuals, families and groups around their experiences of accessing urgent care across a number of different services and organisations in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

This includes feedback around;

  • 111 telephone system and online information,
  • 111 (option 2) for mental health support
  • Emergency ambulance service
  • Primary care services (GP Practice, emergency dental care, emergency eye
  • care and pharmacy),
  • Emergency Hospital care (emergency department, Out Of Hours services),
  • Emergency respite care within social care services.


Click the links below to view more information about this project


English version                                    Fersiwn cymraeg

AI in healthcare in Wales - Survey

AI in healthcare in Wales - Survey


CEDAR is running a survey on the barriers and facilitators to the adoption AI in healthcare in Wales. We are looking to hear from anyone who is:

–          at least 16 years old and lives in Wales, or

–          a registered healthcare professional working in Wales and make treatment (or therapy) decisions together with (or for) patients

2024 Carer Survey

2024 Carer Survey

Dementia Carers Count

Our 2024 annual survey of dementia carers is now live. If you provide help and support to a family member or friend with dementia, or have done in the past, we’d love to hear from you.What you tell us will help us better understand the pressures on family carers, shape the services we provide and prioritise what we ask the government to address.

This year, we’re

  • looking at your rights as a carer
  • asking about what you need
  • finding out what you think the new government should prioritise.

The 2024 carer survey should take about 15 minutes to complete, and you can tell us as much or as little as you like. All the information you share remains anonymous. We have paper versions of the survey available – request yours here.  We can help you complete it over the phone if that is easier for you – call us on 0203 5400 700.

Dementia Action Plan Survey

Dementia Action Plan Survey

NHS Wales

We want to build on this work as we start to develop our new dementia plan. The survey is intended to gather views on the key areas we should focus on throughout the engagement process for this work. The answers to the survey will be used to shape the conversations during the engagement activities for the new dementia plan.

closes on 13th December 2024. 

Cymraeg                                           English

Scoping of Community Care and Support Services

Scoping of Community Care and Support Services

The Regional Partnership Board Dementia Programme

The Regional Partnership Board Dementia Programme, are mapping the resources that are available locally for Community Care and Support.

This is part of work they are undertaking to improve dementia and wellbeing services as part of the Welsh Government Dementia Programme)


Please help by completing the survey – Many thanks!

We need your help

We need your help

Bipolar UK

In the King’s Speech last month, the government announced they want to make changes to the Mental Health Act. Please help us advocate for reforms that support our community by taking our survey.

This survey takes about 20 minutes to fill in, and covers several key areas of the Mental Health Act, including detention (also known as sectioning), Community Treatment Orders and racial inequalities in mental health care.

Please feel free to skip any questions you do not wish to answer or that aren’t relevant to you.

Are you interested in becoming involved in some dementia research?

Are you interested in becoming involved in some dementia research?

Swansea University

We are looking for individuals (18+) who live with dementia and their caregivers to participate in our study. Participants must have the capacity to understand the nature of the research and provide informed consent.


You must be available for either the event in Swansea University on Monday August 19th 2024


The event in Cardiff University on Tuesday August 20th 2024

We will be providing a free lunch.



Dr Emma Richards [[email protected]] Dr Ian Davies-Abbott: [[email protected]]


Join us in this important study and help make a difference

Scoping of Community Care and Support Services

Scoping of Community Care and Support Services

The Regional Partnership Board Dementia Programme

Do you provide services and activities that provide care and support for people living with Dementia?

The Regional Partnership Board Dementia Programme, are mapping the resources that are available locally for Community Care and Support.

This is part of work they are undertaking to improve dementia and wellbeing services as part of the Welsh Government Dementia Programme


Please help by completing the survey – Many thanks!

Invitations is for ‘Unpaid Carer Champions’

Invitations is for ‘Unpaid Carer Champions’

Cardiff Council

To help develop the Forum and ensure that Unpaid Carers are appropriately represented on the Forum and are supported to become actively engaged in shaping how the forum develops, Adult Services, in partnership with C3SC and with support from Housing & Communities is seeking to “appoint” Unpaid Carer Champions to represent the interests of Unpaid Carers for the following cohorts of service users:


  • Adults with a Learning Disability
  • Older People / People with a Physical Disability
  • Adults with Mental Health Needs / Substance Misue issues


Click here to express your interest

Get involved in our research community

Get involved in our research community

Bipolar UK

Would you like to help advance knowledge and contribute to a meaningful cause? Get involved in our research community and join the hundreds of people who have already signed up to help researchers understand bipolar better.

Our research team – Dr Tania Gergel and Dr Talen Wright – lead various research projects and work with a growing number of research partners. You’ll never be contacted by our research partners directly, though, only ever by our in-house team.

Whether you’re living with bipolar, or you have a loved one with bipolar, it only takes five minutes to get involved and make a difference!

New Research Study - Social Prescribing for People Living with Severe Mental Illnesses

New Research Study - Social Prescribing for People Living with Severe Mental Illnesses

University College London

Social prescribing offers a holistic approach to health and has been found to improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable groups, though there is limited evidence on whether social prescribing in its current form is reaching people with SMI and whether it is effective. For many reasons, it is likely that people with these diagnoses are currently disadvantaged in their access to social prescribing, potentially widening existing health and social inequalities for this group.


Researchers at University College London are conducting qualitative interviews to understand the barriers and facilitators to social prescribing among people with SMI. We would like to speak to:


If you would like to take part in an interview, please see this page for more information.


Taking part will involve a 30-45 minute interview and we will offer you a £10 online gift voucher to thank you for your contribution.


You can also contact the lead researcher Alex Burton at [email protected] for further information and to take part

Feedback Survey - Paediatric Services

Feedback Survey - Paediatric Services

The Truth Project - Platfform

We want to make sure that people’s stories of receiving or requesting support from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services are heard. Have you been through CAMHS or supported a young person to do so? Are there things you want to share about your experience – things you’d change, things that were hard, or that worked well?

Feedback Survey - Paediatric Services

Feedback Survey - Paediatric Services

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

As part of Shaping Our Clinical Services (2025-2035), the Health Board would like to learn what is most important to you about the care you receive.

Whether you are, or have been, a patient in our children and young person services or the parent of someone who has, we would like to hear from you. We are also welcoming feedback from colleagues, stakeholders, and people who may at some point use the services.

When completing this survey, please think about your past experiences with our services for babies, children and young people, or what you would like to see from them.

Your feedback will help design the future of our services for children and young people.

Please answer honestly.


Have Your Say

New Home Page Survey

New Home Page Survey

Cardiff and Vale Action for Mental Health


We at cavamh are looking to update our home page to best cater to our users.  To help us we would love to hear your feedback about how it is currently.

Tell us your opinion by taking the short survey linked below


Take the short survey now

MH Act Assessment survey

MH Act Assessment survey

Vale of Glamorgan

Do you or have you lived in the Vale of Glamorgan?

Would you be interested in contributing to a survey?

An opportunity to share your experience – can be anonymousand be included in a prize draw.


Click here for the survey and more info.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

2023-2024 Consultation


C3SC, GVS, and cavamh are hosting two meetings to discuss and respond to the draft Wales Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy – 10-year Plan. This is your opportunity to provide valuable input and
shape the future of mental health services in Cardiff and the Vale.


We welcome input from all members of C3SC, GVS, and cavamh, as well as individuals and groups with insights into mental health in Cardiff and the Vale.


Face-to-Face Meeting: Thursday, May 2nd, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at St Paul’s Community Centre,
Arcot St, Penarth CF64 1EU.
Online Meeting: Wednesday, May 8th, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Link to be provided upon booking.


Contact [email protected] to reserve your spot and specify which meeting you wish to join.

HAPUS- new National Conversation on Mental Health and Wellbeing

HAPUS- new National Conversation on Mental Health and Wellbeing

Public Health Wales


Public Health Wales is preparing to launch a ‘National Conversation on Mental Wellbeing’ through a website and campaign called Hapus.

Now is your chance to tell them what works for you!

Welsh Government invite you to help shape future strategies for mental health and wellbeing, and suicide and self-harm prevention in Wales. It has been 10 years since the previous strategies were published. The consultation will close on 11 June 2024. 


Click for more info

New draft suicide and self-harm prevention strategy

New draft suicide and self-harm prevention strategy

We are seeking your views


Read the consultation document here

Easy Read version here


Response form link here

Response form deadline: Tuesday 11 June 2024

Research Call

Research Call

Tell us about any barriers you face in voting

If you have experience of a mental health problem, we want to hear from you about voting.

Have you registered to vote? Or is it too difficult to?

We’re undertaking research into the barriers that people with mental health problems face in registering to vote. By sharing your experience, you’ll be helping to promote voting rights for all.

Public Attitudes Survey: Mental health and the experiences of people from BAME communities in Wales

Public Attitudes Survey: Mental health and the experiences of people from BAME communities in Wales

Time to Change Wales



Time to Change Wales has commissioned Beaufort Research to run a public attitudes survey to find out more about the experiences and opinions of people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities in Wales around mental health and stigma. The purpose of the study is to deepen our understanding of the barriers which face certain communities in discussing this topic.

This questionnaire will take around 10 minutes to complete. All the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.




The closing date for the survey is 20th February.

lansio arolwg ymchwil iechyd meddwl i rieni

lansio arolwg ymchwil iechyd meddwl i rieni

Samaritans Cymru



Mae ein tîm yn Samaritans Cymru yn gweithio ar brosiect iechyd meddwl newydd i rieni gyda’r nod:


  • I leihau hunanladdiad ymysg rhieni newydd a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o’r cymorth sydd ar gael i bob rhiant


  • I wella canlyniadau ar gyfer unrhyw un sy’n dod yn rhiant – yn enwedig trwy ymwreiddio mesurau ataliol ac ymyrraeth gynnar, a gwella gofal argyfwng


  • Mynd i’r afael â’r stigma ynghylch dod yn rhiant ac iechyd meddwl


  • Codi proffil a gwella dealltwriaeth o iechyd meddwl gwael a risg hunanladdiad ymysg tadau newydd


Rydym yn galw ar y trydydd sector, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, awdurdodau lleol, cynghreiriau a rhwydweithiau, a llawer o sefydliadau eraill, i’n helpu ni hyrwyddo’r arolwg hwn cymaint â phosibl.


Cwblhewch yr arolwg yma

Tell us your views

Tell us your views

Samaritans Cymru

Our team at Samaritans Cymru are currently working on a new parental mental health project which aims to –


  • Reduce suicide in new parents and raise awareness of support for all parents


  • Improve outcomes for anyone on the parenthood journey – particularly embedding preventative and early intervention measures and improving crisis care


  • Tackle the stigma surrounding parenthood and mental health


  • Raise the profile and understanding of poor mental health and suicide risk in new Fathers


We are calling on the third sector, public services, local authorities, alliances and networks and many other organisations to help us promote this survey as far and wide as possible.


Complete the survey here

Tell us your views

Tell us your views

General Pharmaceutical Council

We are seeking views from you and those you work with on our new draft Standards for Chief Pharmacists. Our feedback survey is open until 16 April 2024.

We want to hear what everyone thinks about our draft standards, so please help us spread the word.

We look forward to hearing your feedback.


Click for more info

Service Evaluation - Mental Health

Service Evaluation - Mental Health

Vale of Glamorgan

Have you ever been assessed in relation to the Mental Health Act?

Do you live in the Vale of Glamorgan?

Would you be interested in taking part in an independent evaluation of your experience?

We will be holding drop ins to explain further in Mind in the Vale Centres in Llantwit, Penarth and Barry on the following dates:


Llantwit on 24th January 2pm – 4pm

Penarth 25th January 6pm – 8pm

Barry 29th January 2pm – 4pm


If you would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with Zoe who can provide you with more information



Click for more info

Cardiff Citizens Panel

Cardiff Citizens Panel

The Citizens’ Panel is made up of local residents from across Cardiff who have agreed to give their views on a number of consultation topics throughout the year. Panel members share their views by completing surveys and occasionally taking part in other activities like focus groups, workshops, or forums.​

Apply online to be a member of the Cardiff Citizen’s Panel. 


Action for Elders  'Power of Community' survey

Action for Elders 'Power of Community' survey

During this time of crisis bringing communities together is all important.

Make your voice heard by taking a few minutes to tell us how connected you feel with your community and help us to develop life – changing programmes or campaigns with you in mind.


Please do take time to fill out our ‘Power of Community’ survey . It’s quick, and easy to do and will help us to develop local services with you in mind and ensure that you have a say in the development of your local community.

It’s time to ‘Think Differently About Ageing!’

Do you want to be part of a local service improvement in Mental Health Services?

Do you want to be part of a local service improvement in Mental Health Services?

We want to hear from you if you have had a positive and meaningful experience with a mental health professional where you felt listened to and valued.

Cavamh has been asked to help Social Services Mental Health Staff in Cardiff and Vale Councils to improve their understanding of co-production in their work with service users and carers. Co-production is a term which has become widely used in recent years. Such an approach in the past might have been described as client or person centred work.

We see co-production in work between the professional and user of services as having a number of the following features, though this is not a comprehensive list….
  • Respect for the uniqueness of the lived experience
  • Seeing the service user as the ‘expert’ of their situation
  • Listening and understanding
  • Empathy, trust and warmth
  • Collaboration and working jointly together
  • Using inclusive language
  • Allowing ‘space’ for exploration of issues
  • Strengths and solution focussed, not problem focussed.
  • Being open and honest

Part of our work is to compile video and audio stories and testimonials from people who have lived experience of mental health services as a service user or carer where a session or an intervention with a professional felt co-productive. You might have felt listened to, understood and part of developing a way forward as an equal partner with your Worker.

The testimonials will form part of a Co-production resource. Clips of the videos or audio might be, with your permission, be used in training sessions.
The Interviews will be with cavamh staff and take place on Zoom and will be recorded either in sound or vision, depending on your preference, and we anticipate they will take around half an hour.
We are very pleased that Cardiff and Vale Councils are keen to positively develop their work in this area and we hope you would like to be part of a service improvement initiative.
In recognition of your contribution we will be offering optional remuneration either as cash transfer to your bank or a shopping voucher to the value of £20.00
If you are interested please email [email protected] or [email protected]


cavamh Website Feedback

If you have a few moments to give us some feedback on our website we would love to hear from you.

Please take our short survey here

Keeping Me Well Cardiff and Vale Co-production Forum

Keeping Me Well Cardiff and Vale Co-production Forum

‘Working Together – Supporting People to Live Well with Long-Term Conditions in Cardiff and the Vale’

Our forum meets fortnightly online, providing an opportunity to work together to co-produce different ways to support people with long-term conditions in Cardiff and the Vale. The forum is open to anyone passionate about improving health and wellbeing for people in Cardiff and the Vale.

We welcome…

  • Service users
  • Community organisations
  • Third sector
  • Healthcare staff

We are looking for more people who would be interested in contributing and working with us!

If you would like to join in and contribute to future sessions of the Co-Production Forum, please click the button below to complete the form and we will get you linked into the team.
Co-production creates equity for those contributing and benefiting from a project, service or resource. It leads to shared ownership and investment by our community. All our decisions are co-produced (meaning we decide together!) including project plans, goals, tools, and new initiatives…
Welsh Ambulance Service

Welsh Ambulance Service

The Network was set up to enable people to take part in a range of activities including participating in reader’s panels, focus groups and ‘mystery shopper’ exercises.

You will have the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how the service works, while the Trust ensures your voice, experience and ideas remain an essential priority.

The network is open to patients, carers, community groups or anyone with an interest in how the Welsh Ambulance Service works.

Your voice matters!

Can you help us improve the services we provide?

The People & Community Network is a group of people with a shared goal: to help develop and improve the services provided by Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST).

Network members include patients, service users, carers and relatives, wider stakeholders of WAST and the people of Wales. 

Network members can take part in lots of different activities:

  • Attend events: Learn more about what we do.

  • Attend meetings: Take part in discussions.

  • Patient Stories: Share your experiences with us.

  • Readers’ Panel: Review new documents, leaflets and posters to make sure they are well designed and easy to read.

  • Mystery Shopper: Act as a service user to review our services and make sure they are of a high standard.

  • Introduction & Welcome Days: Gain a greater understanding of how the Welsh Ambulance Service works and its vision for the future.

Join the Network

To join the Network, or find out more, contact the Patient Experience & Community Involvement Team.

Call: 0300 123 9207
Email:  [email protected]

or complete this online form.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

2023-2024 Consultation


C3SC, GVS, and cavamh are hosting two meetings to discuss and respond to the draft Wales Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy – 10-year Plan. This is your opportunity to provide valuable input and
shape the future of mental health services in Cardiff and the Vale.


We welcome input from all members of C3SC, GVS, and cavamh, as well as individuals and groups with insights into mental health in Cardiff and the Vale.


Face-to-Face Meeting: Thursday, May 2nd, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at St Paul’s Community Centre,
Arcot St, Penarth CF64 1EU.
Online Meeting: Wednesday, May 8th, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Link to be provided upon booking.


Contact [email protected] to reserve your spot and specify which meeting you wish to join.

HAPUS- new National Conversation on Mental Health and Wellbeing

HAPUS- new National Conversation on Mental Health and Wellbeing

Public Health Wales


Public Health Wales is preparing to launch a ‘National Conversation on Mental Wellbeing’ through a website and campaign called Hapus.

Now is your chance to tell them what works for you!

Welsh Government invite you to help shape future strategies for mental health and wellbeing, and suicide and self-harm prevention in Wales. It has been 10 years since the previous strategies were published. The consultation will close on 11 June 2024. 


Click for more info

New draft suicide and self-harm prevention strategy

New draft suicide and self-harm prevention strategy

We are seeking your views


Read the consultation document here

Easy Read version here


Response form link here

Response form deadline: Tuesday 11 June 2024

Research Call

Research Call

Tell us about any barriers you face in voting

If you have experience of a mental health problem, we want to hear from you about voting.

Have you registered to vote? Or is it too difficult to?

We’re undertaking research into the barriers that people with mental health problems face in registering to vote. By sharing your experience, you’ll be helping to promote voting rights for all.

Public Attitudes Survey: Mental health and the experiences of people from BAME communities in Wales

Public Attitudes Survey: Mental health and the experiences of people from BAME communities in Wales

Time to Change Wales



Time to Change Wales has commissioned Beaufort Research to run a public attitudes survey to find out more about the experiences and opinions of people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities in Wales around mental health and stigma. The purpose of the study is to deepen our understanding of the barriers which face certain communities in discussing this topic.

This questionnaire will take around 10 minutes to complete. All the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.




The closing date for the survey is 20th February.

lansio arolwg ymchwil iechyd meddwl i rieni

lansio arolwg ymchwil iechyd meddwl i rieni

Samaritans Cymru



Mae ein tîm yn Samaritans Cymru yn gweithio ar brosiect iechyd meddwl newydd i rieni gyda’r nod:


  • I leihau hunanladdiad ymysg rhieni newydd a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o’r cymorth sydd ar gael i bob rhiant


  • I wella canlyniadau ar gyfer unrhyw un sy’n dod yn rhiant – yn enwedig trwy ymwreiddio mesurau ataliol ac ymyrraeth gynnar, a gwella gofal argyfwng


  • Mynd i’r afael â’r stigma ynghylch dod yn rhiant ac iechyd meddwl


  • Codi proffil a gwella dealltwriaeth o iechyd meddwl gwael a risg hunanladdiad ymysg tadau newydd


Rydym yn galw ar y trydydd sector, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, awdurdodau lleol, cynghreiriau a rhwydweithiau, a llawer o sefydliadau eraill, i’n helpu ni hyrwyddo’r arolwg hwn cymaint â phosibl.


Cwblhewch yr arolwg yma

Tell us your views

Tell us your views

Samaritans Cymru

Our team at Samaritans Cymru are currently working on a new parental mental health project which aims to –


  • Reduce suicide in new parents and raise awareness of support for all parents


  • Improve outcomes for anyone on the parenthood journey – particularly embedding preventative and early intervention measures and improving crisis care


  • Tackle the stigma surrounding parenthood and mental health


  • Raise the profile and understanding of poor mental health and suicide risk in new Fathers


We are calling on the third sector, public services, local authorities, alliances and networks and many other organisations to help us promote this survey as far and wide as possible.


Complete the survey here

Tell us your views

Tell us your views

General Pharmaceutical Council

We are seeking views from you and those you work with on our new draft Standards for Chief Pharmacists. Our feedback survey is open until 16 April 2024.

We want to hear what everyone thinks about our draft standards, so please help us spread the word.

We look forward to hearing your feedback.


Click for more info

Service Evaluation - Mental Health

Service Evaluation - Mental Health

Vale of Glamorgan

Have you ever been assessed in relation to the Mental Health Act?

Do you live in the Vale of Glamorgan?

Would you be interested in taking part in an independent evaluation of your experience?

We will be holding drop ins to explain further in Mind in the Vale Centres in Llantwit, Penarth and Barry on the following dates:


Llantwit on 24th January 2pm – 4pm

Penarth 25th January 6pm – 8pm

Barry 29th January 2pm – 4pm


If you would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with Zoe who can provide you with more information



Click for more info

Cardiff Citizens Panel

Cardiff Citizens Panel

The Citizens’ Panel is made up of local residents from across Cardiff who have agreed to give their views on a number of consultation topics throughout the year. Panel members share their views by completing surveys and occasionally taking part in other activities like focus groups, workshops, or forums.​

Apply online to be a member of the Cardiff Citizen’s Panel. 


Action for Elders  'Power of Community' survey

Action for Elders 'Power of Community' survey

During this time of crisis bringing communities together is all important.

Make your voice heard by taking a few minutes to tell us how connected you feel with your community and help us to develop life – changing programmes or campaigns with you in mind.


Please do take time to fill out our ‘Power of Community’ survey . It’s quick, and easy to do and will help us to develop local services with you in mind and ensure that you have a say in the development of your local community.

It’s time to ‘Think Differently About Ageing!’

Do you want to be part of a local service improvement in Mental Health Services?

Do you want to be part of a local service improvement in Mental Health Services?

We want to hear from you if you have had a positive and meaningful experience with a mental health professional where you felt listened to and valued.

Cavamh has been asked to help Social Services Mental Health Staff in Cardiff and Vale Councils to improve their understanding of co-production in their work with service users and carers. Co-production is a term which has become widely used in recent years. Such an approach in the past might have been described as client or person centred work.

We see co-production in work between the professional and user of services as having a number of the following features, though this is not a comprehensive list….
  • Respect for the uniqueness of the lived experience
  • Seeing the service user as the ‘expert’ of their situation
  • Listening and understanding
  • Empathy, trust and warmth
  • Collaboration and working jointly together
  • Using inclusive language
  • Allowing ‘space’ for exploration of issues
  • Strengths and solution focussed, not problem focussed.
  • Being open and honest

Part of our work is to compile video and audio stories and testimonials from people who have lived experience of mental health services as a service user or carer where a session or an intervention with a professional felt co-productive. You might have felt listened to, understood and part of developing a way forward as an equal partner with your Worker.

The testimonials will form part of a Co-production resource. Clips of the videos or audio might be, with your permission, be used in training sessions.
The Interviews will be with cavamh staff and take place on Zoom and will be recorded either in sound or vision, depending on your preference, and we anticipate they will take around half an hour.
We are very pleased that Cardiff and Vale Councils are keen to positively develop their work in this area and we hope you would like to be part of a service improvement initiative.
In recognition of your contribution we will be offering optional remuneration either as cash transfer to your bank or a shopping voucher to the value of £20.00
If you are interested please email [email protected] or [email protected]


cavamh Website Feedback

If you have a few moments to give us some feedback on our website we would love to hear from you.

Please take our short survey here

Keeping Me Well Cardiff and Vale Co-production Forum

Keeping Me Well Cardiff and Vale Co-production Forum

‘Working Together – Supporting People to Live Well with Long-Term Conditions in Cardiff and the Vale’

Our forum meets fortnightly online, providing an opportunity to work together to co-produce different ways to support people with long-term conditions in Cardiff and the Vale. The forum is open to anyone passionate about improving health and wellbeing for people in Cardiff and the Vale.

We welcome…

  • Service users
  • Community organisations
  • Third sector
  • Healthcare staff

We are looking for more people who would be interested in contributing and working with us!

If you would like to join in and contribute to future sessions of the Co-Production Forum, please click the button below to complete the form and we will get you linked into the team.
Co-production creates equity for those contributing and benefiting from a project, service or resource. It leads to shared ownership and investment by our community. All our decisions are co-produced (meaning we decide together!) including project plans, goals, tools, and new initiatives…
Welsh Ambulance Service

Welsh Ambulance Service

The Network was set up to enable people to take part in a range of activities including participating in reader’s panels, focus groups and ‘mystery shopper’ exercises.

You will have the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how the service works, while the Trust ensures your voice, experience and ideas remain an essential priority.

The network is open to patients, carers, community groups or anyone with an interest in how the Welsh Ambulance Service works.

Your voice matters!

Can you help us improve the services we provide?

The People & Community Network is a group of people with a shared goal: to help develop and improve the services provided by Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST).

Network members include patients, service users, carers and relatives, wider stakeholders of WAST and the people of Wales. 

Network members can take part in lots of different activities:

  • Attend events: Learn more about what we do.

  • Attend meetings: Take part in discussions.

  • Patient Stories: Share your experiences with us.

  • Readers’ Panel: Review new documents, leaflets and posters to make sure they are well designed and easy to read.

  • Mystery Shopper: Act as a service user to review our services and make sure they are of a high standard.

  • Introduction & Welcome Days: Gain a greater understanding of how the Welsh Ambulance Service works and its vision for the future.

Join the Network

To join the Network, or find out more, contact the Patient Experience & Community Involvement Team.

Call: 0300 123 9207
Email:  [email protected]

or complete this online form.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

2023-2024 Consultation


C3SC, GVS, and cavamh are hosting two meetings to discuss and respond to the draft Wales Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy – 10-year Plan. This is your opportunity to provide valuable input and
shape the future of mental health services in Cardiff and the Vale.


We welcome input from all members of C3SC, GVS, and cavamh, as well as individuals and groups with insights into mental health in Cardiff and the Vale.


Face-to-Face Meeting: Thursday, May 2nd, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at St Paul’s Community Centre,
Arcot St, Penarth CF64 1EU.
Online Meeting: Wednesday, May 8th, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Link to be provided upon booking.


Contact [email protected] to reserve your spot and specify which meeting you wish to join.

HAPUS- new National Conversation on Mental Health and Wellbeing

HAPUS- new National Conversation on Mental Health and Wellbeing

Public Health Wales


Public Health Wales is preparing to launch a ‘National Conversation on Mental Wellbeing’ through a website and campaign called Hapus.

Now is your chance to tell them what works for you!

Welsh Government invite you to help shape future strategies for mental health and wellbeing, and suicide and self-harm prevention in Wales. It has been 10 years since the previous strategies were published. The consultation will close on 11 June 2024. 


Click for more info

New draft suicide and self-harm prevention strategy

New draft suicide and self-harm prevention strategy

We are seeking your views


Read the consultation document here

Easy Read version here


Response form link here

Response form deadline: Tuesday 11 June 2024

Research Call

Research Call

Tell us about any barriers you face in voting

If you have experience of a mental health problem, we want to hear from you about voting.

Have you registered to vote? Or is it too difficult to?

We’re undertaking research into the barriers that people with mental health problems face in registering to vote. By sharing your experience, you’ll be helping to promote voting rights for all.

Public Attitudes Survey: Mental health and the experiences of people from BAME communities in Wales

Public Attitudes Survey: Mental health and the experiences of people from BAME communities in Wales

Time to Change Wales



Time to Change Wales has commissioned Beaufort Research to run a public attitudes survey to find out more about the experiences and opinions of people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities in Wales around mental health and stigma. The purpose of the study is to deepen our understanding of the barriers which face certain communities in discussing this topic.

This questionnaire will take around 10 minutes to complete. All the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.




The closing date for the survey is 20th February.

lansio arolwg ymchwil iechyd meddwl i rieni

lansio arolwg ymchwil iechyd meddwl i rieni

Samaritans Cymru



Mae ein tîm yn Samaritans Cymru yn gweithio ar brosiect iechyd meddwl newydd i rieni gyda’r nod:


  • I leihau hunanladdiad ymysg rhieni newydd a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o’r cymorth sydd ar gael i bob rhiant


  • I wella canlyniadau ar gyfer unrhyw un sy’n dod yn rhiant – yn enwedig trwy ymwreiddio mesurau ataliol ac ymyrraeth gynnar, a gwella gofal argyfwng


  • Mynd i’r afael â’r stigma ynghylch dod yn rhiant ac iechyd meddwl


  • Codi proffil a gwella dealltwriaeth o iechyd meddwl gwael a risg hunanladdiad ymysg tadau newydd


Rydym yn galw ar y trydydd sector, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, awdurdodau lleol, cynghreiriau a rhwydweithiau, a llawer o sefydliadau eraill, i’n helpu ni hyrwyddo’r arolwg hwn cymaint â phosibl.


Cwblhewch yr arolwg yma

Tell us your views

Tell us your views

Samaritans Cymru

Our team at Samaritans Cymru are currently working on a new parental mental health project which aims to –


  • Reduce suicide in new parents and raise awareness of support for all parents


  • Improve outcomes for anyone on the parenthood journey – particularly embedding preventative and early intervention measures and improving crisis care


  • Tackle the stigma surrounding parenthood and mental health


  • Raise the profile and understanding of poor mental health and suicide risk in new Fathers


We are calling on the third sector, public services, local authorities, alliances and networks and many other organisations to help us promote this survey as far and wide as possible.


Complete the survey here

Tell us your views

Tell us your views

General Pharmaceutical Council

We are seeking views from you and those you work with on our new draft Standards for Chief Pharmacists. Our feedback survey is open until 16 April 2024.

We want to hear what everyone thinks about our draft standards, so please help us spread the word.

We look forward to hearing your feedback.


Click for more info

Service Evaluation - Mental Health

Service Evaluation - Mental Health

Vale of Glamorgan

Have you ever been assessed in relation to the Mental Health Act?

Do you live in the Vale of Glamorgan?

Would you be interested in taking part in an independent evaluation of your experience?

We will be holding drop ins to explain further in Mind in the Vale Centres in Llantwit, Penarth and Barry on the following dates:


Llantwit on 24th January 2pm – 4pm

Penarth 25th January 6pm – 8pm

Barry 29th January 2pm – 4pm


If you would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with Zoe who can provide you with more information



Click for more info

Cardiff Citizens Panel

Cardiff Citizens Panel

The Citizens’ Panel is made up of local residents from across Cardiff who have agreed to give their views on a number of consultation topics throughout the year. Panel members share their views by completing surveys and occasionally taking part in other activities like focus groups, workshops, or forums.​

Apply online to be a member of the Cardiff Citizen’s Panel. 


Action for Elders  'Power of Community' survey

Action for Elders 'Power of Community' survey

During this time of crisis bringing communities together is all important.

Make your voice heard by taking a few minutes to tell us how connected you feel with your community and help us to develop life – changing programmes or campaigns with you in mind.


Please do take time to fill out our ‘Power of Community’ survey . It’s quick, and easy to do and will help us to develop local services with you in mind and ensure that you have a say in the development of your local community.

It’s time to ‘Think Differently About Ageing!’

Do you want to be part of a local service improvement in Mental Health Services?

Do you want to be part of a local service improvement in Mental Health Services?

We want to hear from you if you have had a positive and meaningful experience with a mental health professional where you felt listened to and valued.

Cavamh has been asked to help Social Services Mental Health Staff in Cardiff and Vale Councils to improve their understanding of co-production in their work with service users and carers. Co-production is a term which has become widely used in recent years. Such an approach in the past might have been described as client or person centred work.

We see co-production in work between the professional and user of services as having a number of the following features, though this is not a comprehensive list….
  • Respect for the uniqueness of the lived experience
  • Seeing the service user as the ‘expert’ of their situation
  • Listening and understanding
  • Empathy, trust and warmth
  • Collaboration and working jointly together
  • Using inclusive language
  • Allowing ‘space’ for exploration of issues
  • Strengths and solution focussed, not problem focussed.
  • Being open and honest

Part of our work is to compile video and audio stories and testimonials from people who have lived experience of mental health services as a service user or carer where a session or an intervention with a professional felt co-productive. You might have felt listened to, understood and part of developing a way forward as an equal partner with your Worker.

The testimonials will form part of a Co-production resource. Clips of the videos or audio might be, with your permission, be used in training sessions.
The Interviews will be with cavamh staff and take place on Zoom and will be recorded either in sound or vision, depending on your preference, and we anticipate they will take around half an hour.
We are very pleased that Cardiff and Vale Councils are keen to positively develop their work in this area and we hope you would like to be part of a service improvement initiative.
In recognition of your contribution we will be offering optional remuneration either as cash transfer to your bank or a shopping voucher to the value of £20.00
If you are interested please email [email protected] or [email protected]


cavamh Website Feedback

If you have a few moments to give us some feedback on our website we would love to hear from you.

Please take our short survey here

Keeping Me Well Cardiff and Vale Co-production Forum

Keeping Me Well Cardiff and Vale Co-production Forum

‘Working Together – Supporting People to Live Well with Long-Term Conditions in Cardiff and the Vale’

Our forum meets fortnightly online, providing an opportunity to work together to co-produce different ways to support people with long-term conditions in Cardiff and the Vale. The forum is open to anyone passionate about improving health and wellbeing for people in Cardiff and the Vale.

We welcome…

  • Service users
  • Community organisations
  • Third sector
  • Healthcare staff

We are looking for more people who would be interested in contributing and working with us!

If you would like to join in and contribute to future sessions of the Co-Production Forum, please click the button below to complete the form and we will get you linked into the team.
Co-production creates equity for those contributing and benefiting from a project, service or resource. It leads to shared ownership and investment by our community. All our decisions are co-produced (meaning we decide together!) including project plans, goals, tools, and new initiatives…
Welsh Ambulance Service

Welsh Ambulance Service

The Network was set up to enable people to take part in a range of activities including participating in reader’s panels, focus groups and ‘mystery shopper’ exercises.

You will have the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how the service works, while the Trust ensures your voice, experience and ideas remain an essential priority.

The network is open to patients, carers, community groups or anyone with an interest in how the Welsh Ambulance Service works.

Your voice matters!

Can you help us improve the services we provide?

The People & Community Network is a group of people with a shared goal: to help develop and improve the services provided by Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST).

Network members include patients, service users, carers and relatives, wider stakeholders of WAST and the people of Wales. 

Network members can take part in lots of different activities:

  • Attend events: Learn more about what we do.

  • Attend meetings: Take part in discussions.

  • Patient Stories: Share your experiences with us.

  • Readers’ Panel: Review new documents, leaflets and posters to make sure they are well designed and easy to read.

  • Mystery Shopper: Act as a service user to review our services and make sure they are of a high standard.

  • Introduction & Welcome Days: Gain a greater understanding of how the Welsh Ambulance Service works and its vision for the future.

Join the Network

To join the Network, or find out more, contact the Patient Experience & Community Involvement Team.

Call: 0300 123 9207
Email:  [email protected]

or complete this online form.

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