
All of Britain

Voluntary sector. Self-help groups.

Summary of aims and objectives:

Al-Anon is worldwide and offers understanding and support for families and friends of problem drinkers, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.


  • Please note that some meetings are currently being held online

Local group meetings can be accessed by contacting the helpline number below. This is open to receive calls from people in distress from 10am-10pm. The caller will be answered and directed to their nearest meeting. A list of meetings can also be accessed on the Al-Anon website.

Alateen is part of Al-Anon for young people aged 12-17 inclusive who have been affected by someone else’s drinking, usually that of a parent. There are always two properly screened sponsors, who are Al-Anon members, present at meetings. Contact the helpline number below for information.


Self-referral or other. Contact the helpline or website for advice and details of local groups (details below).


Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire, 57b Great Suffolk St, London, SE1 0BB.

Tel. Helpline: 0800 0086 811 (10am-10pm)

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.al-anonuk.org.uk

Last Updated: September 2, 2022
If any data is incorrect, please contact us to report it.
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