Charity Number: 1142159
Diverse Cymru, part of Adferiad delivers the Community Connectors service.
Referring people to local community groups, activities and networks to support their social wellbeing needs.
To support patients registered to specific GP practices in the most deprived areas of Cardiff. The NHS clusters this support focuses on is Cardiff Southeast, Cardiff City and South and Cardiff East.
The Community Connectors work as a team based at GP practices to work alongside the health service providing social and wellbeing resources and opportunities.
Each connector will focus on one of the three clusters to understand the cultural needs of those patients and act as a bridge to access community and peer services, community activities and networks in line with their own needs.
The connectors are skilled practitioners working to signpost patients to other providers following a brief assessment of their priority needs.
Diverse Cymru, part of Adferiad delivers the Community Connector service operates during business hours; Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5PM.
The service triages referrals from the patient directly, from the GP service or from an external referrer using our QR code, telephone contact or email to obtain a form. From the Diverse Cymru website, a link to the referral is available.
Welcoming referrals for patients in need of social, emotional, low level mental health and general health support relevant to specific GP surgeries.
Confidence and Self Esteem
Accessing community groups
Debt and Money advice
Employment & Volunteering
And much more
Diverse Cymru, part of Adferiad delivers the Community Connector service operates during business hours; Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5PM.
The service triages referrals from the patient directly, from the GP service or from an external referrer using our QR code, telephone contact or email to obtain a form. From the Diverse Cymru website, a link to the referral is available.
Violetta Carrington, Community Connectors Service Delivery Manager