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Integrated Community Mental Health Team

  Integrated Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) is based at University Hospital Llandough site. This is a multidisciplinary team where local authority and healthcare staff including medical, social workers, nursing, therapies, psychology and admin staff work together to provide community care to patients and their families across the region     Telephone Numbers:   Cardiff […]
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Platfform- the Hangout

The Hangout- Platfform  The Hangout is a wellbeing & mental health service for young people in Cardiff and the Vale aged 11-18. Our aim is simple: be somewhere where young people can connect with others, feel part of their community and access mental health support Services We offer drop-in and booked 1-1 wellbeing support, wellbeing-focused […]
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Recovery Cymru Community

Charity No. 1154530     Recovery Cymru is  a peer-led, mutual aid, recovery community in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan that empowers people to achieve and maintain recovery while supporting others to do the same.     Summary of Aims & Objectives:   Recovery Cymru is a peer-led Recovery Community Organisation with three main […]
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