- We’re celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week with a big all-day event running from 8am – 4pm – visitors are free to arrive and leave whenever they want throughout the day.
- Frank Bruno MBE is Keynote Speaker at 1:30pm. He will be sharing his story of mental illness and recovery. Photo and meet and greet opportunities are available.
- A range of special guest speakers including Lynne Neagle MS, Deputy Minister for Mental Health, Jack Sargeant MS, Neville Southall MBE, Rhian Mannings MBE, Andy Lewis MBE and many more.
- Over 35 seminars and talks on both adult and youth mental health concerns including dealing with mental illness, suicide prevention, recovery, parental mental health, youth and schools, workplace, general wellbeing, mindset, bereavement and much more.
- A free-to-attend exhibition of over 60 mental health resources and services where you can gain further knowledge and be signposted to the most suitable organisations to support you and your needs.
- Opportunities to network and meet new people throughout the day – you can meet and chat with other people in the event who are passionate about mental health and wellbeing – connection is important!
- Oh, and don’t forget our exhibitors will be offering show-exclusive freebies, discounts and deals to help celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, so visiting our exhibition could lead to more money-saving opportunities for you!
To book tickets go here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mental-health-wellbeing-show-2022-tickets-151045441983?aff=Mailchimp