
South Wales Diabetes Network Day


22 October 2022    
11:00 am - 3:30 pm




All Wales Diabetes Patient Reference Group

South Wales Diabetes Network Day 11AM-3.30pm

Saturday October 22nd, 2022 at the All Nations Centre, Cardiff


10.30am-11am Registration and Coffee

11.00am-11.10am Welcome and Introduction to the day –Chair

11.10-11.35am Keeping your Feet Healthy- Scott Crawley MBE Lead Podiatrist CAVUHB

11.35-12.00 Diabetic Eye Screening Wales-Colette Morgan Transformation Manager

12-12.30pm WORKSHOPS

·       Families, Friends/Carers/Parents What information and Support do you Need? – Wendy Gane/Patient Representatives

·       Improving your Care-How you can be involved/What is important to you about your local Services? Rob Lee  AWDPRG and Helen Griffith CAVHB

·       Data and tech – How to make sense of all the numbers-Prof Jonathan Richards/Helen Northmore Patient Representative All Wales Diabetes Patient Reference Group

12.30-1.15PM LUNCH and NETWORKING/Visiting Tech Stands and Voluntary Organisations

1.15pm-1.35pm Early Diagnosis of T1 A Parents Story – Beth Baldwin

1.35pm-2.00Pm Tightening your Belt-Eating well and staying Safe on a Budget-Catherine Washbrook-Davies Dietetic Lead for Wales CAVUHB

2.00pm-2.25pm Diabetes and Exercise-Dr Richard Bracken Swansea University

2.25pm-2.50pm Diabetes as we get Older and how Tech can help-Dr Julia Platts Consultant Clinical Lead for Wales CAVUHB

2.50pm-3.15pm Diabetes Burnout-Psychologist TBC

3.15-3.40PM Diabetes and your Kidneys-Alison Clarke Diabetes Specialist Nurse CAVUHB

We would like to thank DEXCOM   ABBOTT and MEDTRONIC for their Sponsorship of this Event

Diabetes UK Cymru   JDRF  Pocket Medic   The Mentor Ring  Diabetic Eye Screening Wales

All the Speakers who have given their time today to provide us with up to date Information and Research.

NHS Wales Health Collaborative and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

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