
East Vale Community Transport Volunteers Wanted

East Vale Community Transport is looking for Volunteer drivers and passenger assistants.

Based in Penarth, EVCT provide wheelchair friendly minibus transport to groups and individuals. As little as 2hrs per week can help somebody attend a vaccination appointment, attend day centre or coffee catch up with friends.

Drivers need to be 21 and 69. A nationally recognised training course is available. Please call Claire on 02920 705138 or email [email protected]


EVCT is a small charity, based in Penarth, providing accessible minibus transport for the community of the eastern Vale, both groups and individuals.  Since 1986, thanks to volunteer drivers, our door-to-door service has taken people shopping, to meetings, on expeditions and visits when they might otherwise be unable to get out.  Most journeys are local but we have gone as far afield as London and Tenby.  

Any group or individual with a need is welcome to join as a member and use the service.  We have a small pool of volunteer drivers but always welcome those who can provide their own driver, who would obviously need to meet legal requirements and undertake a training session.

We raise funds to run and maintain two wheelchair-friendly minibuses.  Anyone with a wheelchair, subject to weight restrictions on the tail lift, can be accommodated on the buses.  

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