
Suicide and Self harm Prevention – National Resource Hub

Knowledge Base

Welcome to the knowledge base of the Training Hub

This area of the Hub provides information that you might find helpful when trying to understand suicide and self harm, and how to talk about it.



Use of Language

The language that we choose to use when talking about mental health, mental illness, suicide and self harm can elicit a number of reactions in other people, particularly those who are immediately affected, and care needs to be taken to avoid offence, judgement, sensationalism, exaggeration, or the perpetuation of stigma.

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Suicide and Self harm Prevention Strategy

Find links to the national and regional strategies in Wales.

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Myths about Self harm

There are many commonly held misconceptions and prejudices about self harming behaviour, even among professionals. When managing self harm, it can help to examine any preconceived ideas or worries you might have. Some common myths are detailed here.

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Myths about Suicide

There are many commonly held misconceptions and prejudices about suicidal thoughts and behaviours, even among professionals. When managing suicidal thoughts and behaviours, it can help to examine any preconceived ideas or worries you might have. Some common myths are detailed here.

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Evidence Updates

Find links to evidence reports, NICE guidance, and recently published research from within Wales, across the UK, and beyond.

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