
Are you Involved?

Carer and Service User Involvement in Mental Health Services for Older People

What is Carer & Service User Involvement?

Carer and Service User Involvement is about making sure their voices are heard, are acted upon and are used to change and improve care services.
This would be in all areas of care: from an individual’s first contact and personal involvement with services through to the provision of services in general. Involvement of Carers and Service Users should be seen in planning, implementation, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of services.
Involvement by Carers and Service Users means services become more suited to the needs of those who use them and therefore make them more successful. It also shows their views are important and are acted upon.Involvement of Carers and Service Users is a statutory requirement across the health care agencies; included in this are the Cardiff & Vale Local Authorities, and the Cardiff & Vale University health board (UHB). Voluntary and Independent care providers are also governed by this requirement. 
How to get involved:

If you are a Carer or Service User there are many ways in which you can become involved and make a real difference to care services now and in the future. There are a variety of events with current interesting topics you could attend to give your thoughts in person.

Firstly, there is the Carers Involvement Group that meets every two months and is actively involved in the local development, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of services for the benefit of older people with Mental Health needs and their Carers. There you may be asked for your thoughts on a particular subject in a supportive and comfortable environment. You can even ask for a special meeting on a topic that concerns you or your support group to be arranged.
You could also participate in special one-off events and meetings, you can ask to be involved in issues by correspondence, telephone or email. Look out for notice of these events by poster and flyer campaigns, emails & information activities information in newsletters or on our website www.cavamh.org.uk

If you would like to know more about becoming involved, would like to be on our mailing list (so that we can let you know about forthcoming events) or have any questions please contact:
Helen Joy or Matthew Salisbury at Nexus
Telephone: 029 2022 2000 Email: [email protected]

Twitter Helen&Matthew@nexusinvolvementworkers Facebook Nexus Involvement

Remember your views are wanted and, most importantly, are needed!

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